Thursday, December 18, 2014

Announcements - Dec 18

New Information/Today's Events -
  • FSCJ Textbook pick-up - TODAY FSCJ Bookstore Kent campus 12:00-2:00 p.m.
    You will need to present your FSCJ ID and your FSCJ schedule to the bookstore employee to obtain your books. You will need to tell the employee you are part of the DCPS Dual Enrollment program, in order to not be charged for the books.
    If you need to pick up books at a different location or different time, please email Mrs. K. Johnson ( Include in your email your name, your class schedule, location you need to pick up books from, and the reason for request for a different location or time. Thank you!

Previously Posted Announcements -
  • FSCJ grades are now available for students who are taking classes at FSCJ on the FSCJ Connections website. Students who meet continuation criteria (listed below) will start classes as scheduled in January. Students who do not meet the continuation criteria will return to REL for classes in January. Students returning to REL will be contacted to discuss their REL schedule. As a reminder, Early College/Dual Enrollment Continuation Criteria include:
    • maintain a high school unweighted cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher
    • maintain an FSCJ cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher
    • cannot earn more than one or any combination of D, F, or W within a semester in FSCJ classes
  • FSCJ Textbook pick-up - Dec 18th FSCJ Bookstore Kent campus 12:00-2:00 p.m.
  • FSCJ Winter Break - Dec 12-Jan 6. Spring classes begin Jan 7.
  • REL Winter Break - Dec. 19-Jan. 4 - School will be closed. REL classes resume Jan. 5.
  • FCA t-shirts on sale in rm 301. Cost is $5.
  • Community Service Hours opportunity - Help Riverside Avondale Preservation build luminary kits. Shifts available are: Saturdays 9:00-12:00, Saturdays 12:00-3:00, and Sundays 1:00-4:00. Project days are Nov 8- Dec. 21. Contact Torrie Parette for more information - or 904-389-2449.
  • REL Junior Class is sponsoring a Blanket & Coat Drive during the month of December. See Ms. Thomas for more information.
  • NHS is collecting toys! Toys must be new and unwrapped. Collection boxes are located in the Main Office.
  • First Friday Workshop at FSCJ - Jan. 9
  • Yearbooks are on sale now for $65. Price increase on Jan 16 to $75. Price increases on March 14 to $85.
  • Second Senior Package on sale - Feb 2-6 Cost is $250. Includes cap & amp; gown, Grad Bash, and T-shirt. See Mrs. Morrison for more information.
  • Financial Aid Night - Feb 3
  • First Friday Workshop at FSCJ - Feb. 6
  • First Friday Workshop at FSCJ - March 6
  • Seniors - all debts must be paid by March 13 
  • Prom tickets on sale - March 23, 27, 30 Rm 847
  • REL Spring Break - March 16-20. REL closed. FSCJ classes held as scheduled.
  • Prom tickets on sale - April 1, 6, 10, 13, 17, 20, 24, 27, 28, 29, & 30 Rm 847
  • Prom Guest application deadline - April 17th See Ms. Thomas for more information.
  • First Friday Workshop at FSCJ - April 10
  • Senior T-shirt sale - April 13-17
  • Grad Bash - May 1
  • Prom - May 16
  • REL Commencement Ceremonies (Graduation) - June 1, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. at the Jacksonville Veterans' Arena 
  • Need community service hours? Activities have been scheduled that need volunteers! Sign up in rm 847.
Previously Announced Club Information -
  • ACE Mentoring Program meeting - Dec. 18 at 2:00 in rm 335. Program is for any student interested in fields such as architecture, construction, an engineering. See Mrs. Bell for more information.
  • Marathon High fundraiser! Chik-Fil-A Spirit Night is January 6 from 5:00-9:00 p.m. Show your support for this awesome running club and get some yummy treats during this awesome event! Show the Marathon High flyer to the cashier and 20% of the night's proceeds go to Marathon High! Click here for your flyer!
  • Peace Warriors Yoga Club -  Thursdays at 2:05. See Dr. Keefe for more information.
  • Drama Club meets on Thursdays at 2:00 in rm 253. See Ms. Williams for more information. 
  • Sci-Fi Club meets on Tuesdays at 2:00 in rm 859. Come ready to watch some sci-fi! See Ms. Lawson for more information. 
  • National Honor Society (NHS) Calendar - click here!
Previously Announced Sports Information -
  • Gentlemen, interested in playing tennis? Stop by Mr. Flanigan's room (#896) before or after school.
  • Lacrosse Winter 2015 schedule released! Click here
  • 2014-2015 Robert E. Lee Boys Soccer - Click here for the schedule!
  • 2014-2015 Robert E. Lee Girls Basketball - Click here for the schedule! 
Previously Announced Scholarship & Program Deadlines -
  • Kappa Alpha Psi - due Dec 31 Click here for application! 
  • FSU CARE program - due Jan 14 Click here for application! 
  • FAMU Scholarship Workshop at Jackson High School - Jan 15 Click here for more info!
  • FormSwift Scholarship - due Jan 15 Click here for application!
  • J. Ollie Edmunds - due Jan. 16 Click here for application!  
  • James (Coach) Day - due Feb 1 Click here for application!
  • Epsilon Sigma Alpha - Deadline Feb 1 Click here for application!
  • Arts for Life - due Feb 2 Click here for application!
  • The McCurry Foundation - due Feb 15 Click here for application!
  • Mayor's Asian American Advisory Board - due Feb 28 Click here for application!
  • Asylees as Authors - due May 15 Click here for application!
  • Aspiring Fashion Professionals - due June 1 Click here for application!  
  • Aspiring Animation Professionals -  due June 1 Click here for application!
  • Navy ROTC scholarship - Click here for application!
  • Need more information about financial aid? Click here for a list of Financial Aid workshops.
  • Interested in the Jacksonville Commitment Scholarship? Mr. Salery, UNF Jax Commitment Coordinator, is available Tuesdays and Thursdays after school in rm. 827.
  • Need assistance with college or scholarship applications? Attend College Quest on Mondays and Tuesdays from 2:00-2:45 in the REL Media Center.