Friday, June 19, 2015

Early College Program FAQs - Your Questions Answered Here

End-of-the-Year Report Cards were mailed home June 18th & 19th. Students enrolled in the Early College Program will also receive a Program Continuation Notice in their report card envelope. This letter explains the "next steps" for students in the Early College Program.

Final transcripts will be available June 24th. If you need a copy of your final transcript, a Final Transcript Request must be submitted to the REL Records Office. This form is available in the REL Main Office and rm. 828.

Here are some of the Frequently Asked Questions about Early College over the summer:

How do I know if I passed a class or earned a credit for a course?
Check the Credit Awarded column on the final report card or the Academic History. If you see .5 or 1.00, then you have passed the class/earned credit for the course. If you see 0.00, then you have not passed the class or earned credit for the course.

What do I do if I did not pass a class?
Check to see if the course is offered online. If it is, then request to take the course. Your counselor will approve the request as soon as possible. FLVS coursework must be completed by July 15 to be included in the August cumulative GPA update.

How do I know my cumulative unweighted high school GPA? 
The cumulative unweighted high school GPA is printed on your Academic History. It is the STATE CUM GPA. The Academic History has been mailed home with your report card.

What if my GPA is below 3.0?
Students are required to:
- maintain a 3.0+ cumulative high school unweighted GPA to continue moving forward in the Early College Program
- have a 1.5 cumulative high school unweighted GPA to be promoted to 12th grade
- have a 2.0 cumulative high school unweighted GPA to graduate from high school
If your GPA is below any of these marks, you can take FLVS courses to bring your GPA up before school starts. FLVS coursework must be completed by July 15 to be included in the August cumulative GPA update.

How do I sign up for FLVS (online courses)?
Students can sign up for FLVS classes online any time at FLVS coursework must be completed by July 15 to be included in the August cumulative GPA update.

What classes should I take online?
Students are encouraged to take classes either not offered at REL or classes they did not pass at REL. FLVS coursework must be completed by July 15 to be included in the August cumulative GPA update.

What is my summer reading assignment?
For Early College students entering 9th grade in fall 2015, your reading assignment is 9th grade Early College Reading Assignment
For Early College students entering 10th grade in fall 2015, your reading assignment is 10th grade AMH2010 Reading Assignment
For all other students, your reading assignment is posted on the REL School website. 

What PERT scores do I need to enroll in FSCJ courses?
PERT score information is here.

When can I take the PERT test this summer?
Students who need to take the PERT test for dual enrollment/FSCJ classes, should sign up here.

How can I prepare for the PERT?
The PERT involves reading comprehension, writing/grammar skills, and Algebra. Students are encouraged to use the PERT Study Guide and ACT/SAT Test Prep websites to help themselves prepare for the test. 

When is Orientation?
FSCJ Orientation is Aug. 20th at 9:00 a.m. at FSCJ Kent campus for JUNIORS and their parents. This is a mandatory meeting for JUNIORS and parents.
REL Orientation is the week of August 4th. Specific times and dates will be announced in July. Students can pick up their textbooks, IDs, and schedules during REL Orientation. Everyone is encouraged to attend REL Orientation, even those who are attending classes at FSCJ.