Wednesday, September 9, 2015

NHS Applications - Juniors and Seniors

The 2015-2016 application for those interested in joining NHS will be available beginning Sept. 21. Students may pick up a copy from their counselors, Mrs. Sambol in rm 878 before or after school, or from the file folder hung on the door of rm 878.  The applications are due to Mrs. Sambol in rm 878 by Oct. 26 at 2:30p. Interested students must be in their Junior or Senior year, complete the membership application, participate in NHS meetings (held on non-Early Release Wednesdays), and service activities throughout the school year. A weighted 3.5 G.P.A. is required, and must be maintained during the period of membership.  Any questions or concerns may be directed to Mrs. Sambol before or after school, or via email at

* Returning members (those inducted in 2014-2015) do not need to reapply.