Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Announcements - Wednesday, May 3, 2017

REL Announcements:
  • Current Juniors in NHS are required to attend a meeting on Wednesday, May 17 at 2:10pm. There will be no NHS meeting on May 3. The May 17th meeting is the last meeting of the year. 2017-2018 officer elections will be held on the 17th. Please see Mrs. Sambol ASAP if you are interested in running for an officer position. The deadline for officer candidate applications has been extended to May 12.
  • Community Service Hours opportunity - Ms. Champine needs 5-10 students to assist with a Teacher Appreciation event at the Teacher Supply Depot May 11th from 3 to 6:30 pm. Students should contact Dr. Keefe for more information. Students should wear Lee HS shirts for the event and be prepared to have photos taken.
  • Academic Signing Day - May 4th at 12:30 p.m. Have you heard? The REL Senior Class has earned over $5,000,000 in scholarships and almost 70% of the students are committed to colleges or military service after high school! To celebrate these phenomenal achievements, the REL Counseling Crew will host Academic Signing Day May 4th in the REL Gymnasium. This event is open to Seniors, Parents, Juniors, DCPS Leadership, and REL Faculty & Staff. Can't make the event? No worries! Clips of the event will be broadcast via and local news shows.   
  • FSCJ Textbook Return - 
    • Students must return every item DCPS purchased for an FSCJ course. This includes, but is not limited to, textbooks, reading books, and lab manuals.
    • FSCJ materials are returned to the REL DE Textbook Room – 3rd floor SEAM Building. Returning items to any other location does not guarantee the student’s book account will be cleared.
    • Current semester items must be returned before new semester items can be picked up.
    • All Fall textbook/required materials must be returned by May 12th. Items not returned by May 12th will result in the cost of the material being added to the student’s debt list.
    • The REL DE Bookroom will be open:
      • Friday, May 5th 8:00-10:00 a.m. – SENIORS only
      • Friday, May 12th 8:00-10:00 a.m. – JUNIORS only
      • Friday, May 12th – 12:00-1:00 p.m. – open to juniors and seniors
REL Calendar:
  • May 4 - Academic Signing Day
  • May 12 - REL College Conversation with Everest University
  • May 12 - REL College Conversation with
  • May 26 - Graduation ceremony at 10:00a at Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena. See Mrs. Morrison for more information.
  • June 2 - End of Quarter 4/semester 2 & last day of school
  • ACT and SAT test fee waivers for Juniors and Seniors can be picked up from Mrs. Crowden-Richardson during 2nd and 3rd block. Students attending classes off-campus can pick up waivers Fridays 9:00-10:00a.
  • After-school tutoring is available in the REL Media Center Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays for all subject areas. Students must report to the Media Center by 2:15p to participate. Students who participate in tutoring can catch the Activity Bus at 4:45. 
Scholarship & Program Deadlines (click on the scholarship title for more information) -