Tuesday, August 31, 2010

University of North Florida

The Gandhi Memorial Society & Intercultural Centre for Peace are pleased to invite high school and college students to submit entries for the Gandhi Memorial Essay Competition 2010, on the commemoration of Mahatma Gandhi Birth Anniversary, the International Non-Violence Day.

The details of the competition are as follows:
- open to college and high school students studying in United States
- 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place awards for each category
- title of the essay is “ Peace is its Own Reward” based upon the lifelong practice of Mahatma Gandhi
- length: 500-600 words for college, 300-400 for high school
- entries must be submitted by September 17, 2010 to:
Event Lead Director, Mamta Gupta at gmamtajp@hotmail.com

Entries should include the name, address, and e-mail address of the student author. The name, address and e-mail address of the lead administrator of the author's school (e.g. college president, principal).

Awards will be announced and presented on October 2, 2010 during the commemoration function at UNF.

Judges for the Essay competition include: Dr. Tom Serwatka, Dr. Henry Thomas and Dr. Samuel Kimball.

Questions should be directed to:

UNF Intercultural Centre for Peace 620-2475; Ramesh Vashi 519-7907, Rajiv Gupta 745-3765, or Ashok Bazaz 642-6139.

“There is no way to Peace. Peace is the way.” Mahatma Gandhi