Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Announcements - Oct. 28

New Information -
  • College Quest - TODAY at 2:00 in the Media Center! Counselors available to assist students with college and scholarship applications. 
  • Drama Club meeting Oct 30 at 2:10 in rm 253. See Dr. Williams for more information. 
  • Senior Packages will be on sale EVERY DAY THIS WEEK after school in rm. 892. The cost is $375. Cash, checks, and money orders only. No partial payments will be accepted. See Mrs. Morrison for more information. 
  • Miss Robert E Lee Interest meeting for female Juniors Nov. 4 at 2:15 in rm 892. Candidates should have a 2.5+ GPA and no referrals on file. See Mrs. Morrison for more information. 
  • Junior Class t-shirts are now on sale! Cost is $8 See Ms. Thomas for more information. Last day to purchase is Nov 7.
  • Senior Ads for Yearbook - deadline Nov. 25th at 8:00 a.m. See Ms. Thomas for more information. 
  • REL Toy Drive - Nov. 3-25 sponsored by the REL Junior Class Counsel. Community Drop-off date - Nov 8 from 8:00-12:00 a.m. Evening Drop-off date - Nov. 18 Free admission to the Lady Generals Basketball game on Nov. 18th with toy drop-off (conditions apply).
  • Interested in the Jacksonville Commitment Scholarship? Contact Mr. Salery, UNF Jax Commitment Coordinator, in rm. 827.
  • Congratulations! The 2014-2015 Robert E. Lee Boys Soccer Team roster includes:
    Morgan Dillard
    James Newton
    Kevin Pickard
    Aaron McDermott
    Ezekiel Bell
    Habib Haidara
    Yonathan Portillo (DL)
    Vilens Senat
    Elmer Blanco
    Mateus Scigliano
    Ali Asapedy
    Jean Marc Orelus
    Prince Henderson
    Desmond Wilson
    Arlinson Chilito
    Kelton Nhiev
    Nermin Osmanavic
    Paul Wright
    Frankie Cruz
    Click here for the Soccer Schedule!
Previously Posted Announcements -
  • LEDA Webinar - Oct. 29 Click here to register!
  • FCA meeting Oct 30 in the REL auditorium at 2:15.
  • ACT/SAT Test Fee Waiver Pick-up - Oct. 31 from 2:00-2:20 in rm. 817 
  • Report cards for students attending REL classes will be distributed Oct. 31. 
  • October Canned Food Drive sponsored by the Junior Class. Bring non-perishable food items to rm 847 after school any day of the week. Student who brings the most items in will win a ticket to Prom!
  • ASVAB - Students interested in taking the ASVAB sign up with Dr. Keefe by Nov. 1. Test is Nov. 4
  • ASVAB - Nov. 4 at REL
  • ACT/SAT Test Fee Waiver Pick-up - Nov. 5 from 2:00-2:20 in rm. 817
  • Edward Waters College will hold an Open House event on Nov 8.
  • Early College Yearbook Picture Day for JUNIORS - is Nov. 13. Click here to look up your appointment time!
  • Senior Class Suggestion Box - Seniors are asked to drop off suggestions for the Class of 2015 Song, Motto, & Flower. The suggestion box is located in the REL Main Office 
Previously Announced Club Information -
  • Sci-Fi Club meets on Tuesdays at 2:00 in rm 859. Come ready to watch some sci-fi! See Ms. Lawson for more information. 
  • Peace Warriors Yoga Club -  Thursdays at 2:05. See Dr. Keefe for more information.
Previously Announced Sports Information -

Previously Announced Scholarship & Program Deadlines -
  • Shannon Smith McCants Scholarship for FAMU Pharmacy students - Due Oct 31 Click here for application!
  • National Center for Women in Technology (NCWIT)’s - Due Nov. 2 Click here for application!
  • Gator Bowl - due Nov. 7 Click here for application
  • National Security Agency Scholarship - due Nov. 15. Click here for application! 
  • Jan La Belle Scholarship - due Nov. 15. Click here for application!
  • BBG Youth Volunteer Scholarship - due Nov 29. Click here for application!
  • George W. Jenkins - due Dec 1 Click here for application! 
  • Epsilon Sigma Alpha - Early Bird application due Dec. 15, traditional deadline Feb 1 Click here for application!
  • Kappa Alpha Psi - due Dec 31 Click here for application!
  • J. Ollie Edmunds - due Jan. 16 Click here for application!  
  • Aspiring Fashion Professionals - due June 1 Click here for application!  
  • Aspiring Animation Professionals -  due June 1 Click here for application!
  • Need assistance with college or scholarship applications? Attend College Quest on Mondays and Tuesdays from 2:00-2:45 in the REL Media Center.