Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Mandatory Orientation for Juniors - DATE CHANGE!

Due to a scheduling conflict at FSCJ, the FSCJ Orientation for Juniors and Parents has been rescheduled. Please note the change below and plan accordingly. FSCJ Orientation sessions are considered mandatory meetings for students enrolled in the Early College program. 

EC Juniors and Parents Orientation
Friday, August 21st 
9 am - 12 noon
FSCJ Kent campus room F-128
EC Seniors Orientation - Tuesday, August 18th from 10 - 11 am - FSCJ Kent E-104 (No change)

Friday, July 24, 2015

FSCJ Orientation Sessions - Juniors & Seniors

Robert E Lee Program Announcements:
  • The Robert E. Lee Early College Program is excited to welcome back Ms. Naita Guine as our FSCJ Coordinator! 
  • Duval County has not released textbook guidelines for Fall semester yet. As soon as the process information is released, the information will be posted on the REL Counseling Office website. 
  • There are changes in the AA degree requirements that impact all students taking classes at FSCJ! To learn more about these changes, make plans to attend one of the following meetings:
    • FSCJ Orientation for Seniors - MANDATORY for Seniors, optional for parents - August 18th 10:00a-11:00a FSCJ Kent Campus Room E-104 
    • FSCJ Orientation for Juniors - MANDATORY for Juniors and their parents - August 20th 9:00a-12:00n FSCJ Kent Campus Auditorium

Thursday, July 23, 2015

REL Orientation - Week of Aug 3rd

REL Orientation dates have been announced via US Postal mail. Please check your "snail mail" for information about Orientation dates and times. ALL students are expected to attend REL Orientation. A lot of information and some materials will be shared during these sessions. Students who attend classes at FSCJ may not need all of the information, but everyone will need at least some of the information and materials provided during the event.

You've got mail!

Students expecting to attend classes at FSCJ this fall are expected to monitor their FSCJ email account through the summer. Some of you have been sent notices about classes from the FSCJ Coordinator, Ms. Naita, and you have not responded. This can result in your schedule being changed without prior notice! 
Don't delay! Do it today!
Check your email today and everyday for important updates.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Community Service Hours Opportunity - REL

Need community service hours?
REL needs volunteers!
Volunteers are needed to move classroom materials, sort textbooks, and other tasks. Volunteers must be willing to work independently or with small groups of students. Volunteer hours are available every weekday from 8:00a-12:00p. Hours do count for Bright Futures community service hours. 

Interested? Report to REL any weekday before 12:00 p.m. Ask to see Mr. Stuart. 

Monday, July 13, 2015

Summer Announcements - Week of July 13th

Summer announcements -
  • PERT Testing is this week. Sign up here! The next administration will be after school starts for students to qualify for courses offered during the second semester.
  • The deadline to complete courses through FLVS has been extended to Friday, July 31. Students must have all work completed in the course by July 31 for the grade to be calculated in the cumulative GPA before school starts.
  • Early College Continuation Criteria information
  • Mandatory FSCJ Orientation for Juniors attending classes at FSCJ this fall - Aug. 20 at FSCJ Kent campus 9:00a-12:00p. This meeting to mandatory for all JUNIORS (Class of 2017) attending classes at FSCJ during the 2015-2016 school year and their PARENTS.
  • Aug 24 - first day of classes for students attending REL
  • Looking for something to do this summer? Check out these options:
    • Take a course through FLVS
    • 9th grade Early College Reading Assignment
    • 10th grade AMH2010 Reading Assignment
    • PERT make-up/retesting & sign-up information here!
  • REL Marching Generals Band Camp - Aug 10-14 8:00a-3:00p & Aug 17-21 3:00p-7:00p
  • Camp Healing Powers, a support program for kids experiencing grief, needs a certified lifeguard for September 12 from 12:00-4:00 p.m. Students can use this as community service hours or opt to be paid for the time spent providing service. Contact Katie McConnell (kmcconnell@communityhospice.com) for more information.
Previously Announced Scholarship & Program Deadlines -

Monday, July 6, 2015

Summer Announcements - Week of July 6

Summer announcements -
  • The deadline to complete courses through FLVS has been extended to Friday, July 31. Students must have all work completed in the course by July 31 for the grade to be calculated in the cumulative GPA before school starts.
  • UNF's “Apply in July” - July 11th from 9:00a-12:00n. “On-the-spot” admission decisions awarded. Register - http://www.unf.edu/welcomecenter/ApplyinJuly/
  • Early College Continuation Criteria information
  • Mandatory FSCJ Orientation for Juniors attending classes at FSCJ this fall - Aug. 20 at FSCJ Kent campus 9:00a-12:00p. This meeting to mandatory for all JUNIORS (Class of 2017) attending classes at FSCJ during the 2015-2016 school year and their PARENTS.
  • Aug 24 - first day of classes for students attending REL
  • Looking for something to do this summer? Check out these options:
    • Take a course through FLVS
    • 9th grade Early College Reading Assignment
    • 10th grade AMH2010 Reading Assignment
    • PERT make-up/retesting & sign-up information here!
  • REL VolLEEball team practice/tryouts/events:
    • Open Gym - every Monday 5:00-7:00 p.m.
    • Physical Conditioning - July 6 (time TBA)
    • First official day of practice - Aug. 3 (time TBA)
    • Sport Physicals - Aug. 8th at 9:00 a.m. Parent must attend. 
    • Tryouts - Aug. 10-13
    • Dig Pink Game - Oct. 1 (time TBA)
    • Senior Night -  Oct. 8 (time TBA)
  • REL Marching Generals Band Camp - Aug 10-14 8:00a-3:00p & Aug 17-21 3:00p-7:00p
  • Camp Healing Powers, a support program for kids experiencing grief, needs a certified lifeguard for September 12 from 12:00-4:00 p.m. Students can use this as community service hours or opt to be paid for the time spent providing service. Contact Katie McConnell (kmcconnell@communityhospice.com) for more information.
Previously Announced Scholarship & Program Deadlines -