Tuesday, April 26, 2016

FSCJ Fall 2016 Registration Information

Congratulations students who have qualified to take on the challenge of dual enrollment at FSCJ next school year! Please note information below regarding the registration process for Fall 2016 classes:

Eligibility Students must meet all eligibility by May 1st to take classes at FSCJ Fall semester. Criteria include:
  • Maintain a cumulative unweighted high school GPA of 3.0+ (3.5 for Early Admit program).
  • Maintain an FSCJ GPA of 2.0+
  • Cannot earn any combination of Ws, Ds, or Fs in FSCJ classes within one semester. 
  • Must have post-secondary readiness scores on file in Reading, Writing, and Math (see your counselor for more information).
  • Students enrolled in the Early College program must pass SLS1103 before the end of 10th grade semester 1 an earn a minimum of 9 credit hours before the end of 10th grade. 
Registration Process - Early College
  • Students rising from 11th to 12th grade - Registration is April 29th 9:00-12:00 at FSCJ. Dr. Keefe will be present to approve paperwork. Ms. Naita will coordinate the actual registration. 
  • Students rising from 10th to 11th grade - Registration will take place April 26-May 3 by appointment. Students should check their FSCJ email account for more information. 

Registration Process - Traditional Dual Enrollment
Students rising from 11th to 12th grade must see their counselor before April 29th for paperwork. 

Additional Resources (click on the title for access to the resource):