Friday, May 27, 2016

Announcements - Friday, May 27, 2016

Today's Announcements: 
  • Congratulations to the REL Generals Football team for their win in the Big Blue Football Spring Classic yesterday! Way to LEEd the way into a winning season for next year! 
  • Class of 2017 Meeting - May 31st at 8:50a in the REL Auditorium. Students who take classes at FSCJ full-time should report to the REL Main Office at 8:45 a.m. & plan on leaving campus by 10:00a. 
REL Calendar:
  • May 27 - Last day of REL classes for Seniors
  • May 31 - Senior Breakfast at 8:30 a.m. Seniors can attend if they purchased the 1st Senior package or a ticket from Mrs. Morrison.
  • June 1 - 8:00 a.m. Mandatory Graduation Rehearsal at REL
  • June 1 - Grad Bash Crab Boil - Seniors may attend by invitation only. 
  • June 1 - Senior Pool Party 2:30p at REL 
  • June 1 - Lady Generals Vo"LEE"ball Interest Meeting at 2:15 in the REL gym. Wear appropriate attire and knee pads. See Coach Gonzalez for more information. 
  • June 2 - Cap & Gown distribution at REL
  • June 2 - Varsity Cheerleading Interest Meeting at 2:15p in the REL gym.
  • June 3 - Athletic Awards Ceremony at 6:00p in the REL Auditorium. Dress code is "Business Casual". See your coach for more information. 
  • June 8 - 7:00p Baccalaureate at Philippian Community Church
  • June 10 - 7:30 a.m. Mandatory Graduation Rehearsal at Jacksonville Veteran's Arena
  • June 10 - Senior Commencement Ceremony (a.k.a. Graduation) 1:00p Jacksonville Veteran's Arena
  • June 14 - Young Adult Job Fair 
  • June 22 - Final report cards mailed home
  • June 24 - Final transcripts released
  • June 25 - Saturday at the Nest event at UNF. Click here to register!
  • Aug 18 - Pharmacy 101 at May Clinic - click here to register.
  • Math & English tutoring - all levels - Mon, Tues, & Thurs 2:15-4:45p REL Media Center
  • Senior Class Package Information - click here
  • Yearbook "Save the Dates" - click here
Scholarship & Program Deadlines (click on the scholarship title for more information) -