Tuesday, February 24, 2015

CGA Service Group Scholarships - due March 31

GCA Service Group will be awarding ten $1,000 scholarships to students pursuing a degree in Business or a business related field.
  • Seniors must be enrolled in a Duval County Public School.
  • Minimum un-weighted GPA of a 3.0.
  • Two Letters of Recommendation.
  •  Must provide examples of leadership ability - examples include: being captain of a sport, President or hold an office in a club, community service completed, etc.
  • 1100 SAT or 25 ACT composite score
  • Must be pursuing a degree in a business or business related field.
  • 500-750 word essay ( You may either answer Topic 1 OR Topic 2)
    • Topic 1- “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" 
    • Topic 2- “What do you expect to learn while attending college?”
Applications must be submitted before March 31st

Applications are available in the vertical file outside of Dr. Keefe's office.