Wednesday, February 25, 2015

ROYAL VAGABOND CLUB Scholarship - due April 1

The Royal Vagabond Club is awarding $500 scholarships to students who meet the following criteria:
  • Scholarships will be offered to any applicants from Duval or Clay County entering any college or university.
  • The recipient will be a high school senior going into the freshman class of any college or university.
  • The Scholarship may be presented to the student at the Honors Day Program.
  • Students should be recommended by the high school counselor, teacher, or a lay person in the community.
  • Students must have good character.
  • Students must have good citizenship traits.
  • Must have C or above average.
  • Recipients are limited to a one-time $500.00 scholarship.
  • Scholarship money will be released after the recipient has officially registered and a notice sent to the chairman of the Scholarship Committee by the college.
  • All information must be included and postmarked on or before April 1, 2015.
For more information, please contact Mr. Dennis via email -
Click HERE for the application!