Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Spring Into College! REL Parent Info Nights

Spring is a great time of year for students and parents to jump into the next phase of their child's education. The school counselors at REL are excited to help parents understand how students can earn college credits while still in high school, how to manage college applications, and how to complete financial aid applications. Check out these events that will help your child Spring Into College:

March 31 - Senior Parent Night

Join us to get all of the details about the graduation ceremony, senior activities, college planning, FAFSA and scholarships.

April 7 - Financial Aid Info Session 6:00-7:00
Parents and students who need assistance with financial aid forms can bring their questions to this event! Counselors will be on hand to help you with the FAFSA, Florida Financial Aid, and college aid applications. This event is open to all REL Seniors and parents! 

April 14 - How to Create a College Schedule!
Open to any parent who is interested in learning more about how to select classes for dual enrollment programs at FSCJ. This will be held in the REL Media Center from 6:00-7:30 p.m. 

April 21 at 6:00 p.m. - Moving up! Early College Freshmen Parent Night 
This event is open to all 9th grade Early College students and parents. Information will be provided regarding Early College Continuation Criteria, PERT Testing, and EOCs. This will be held in the REL Auditorium from 6:00-7:30 p.m. 

April 23 - Getting Ready for Senior Year! Junior parent night

Join us for information about graduation requirements, the college application process, financial aid, scholarships, and dual enrollment opportunities. This event is open to all REL Juniors and parents!

April 28th - High School Orientation for 8th Grade Students
This event, open to our incoming class of students, will provide information for students and parents about the Early College program, expectations, and benefits of dual enrollment programs offered at Lee High School. This event is open to any 8th grade students and parents expecting to attend REL for the 2015-2016 school year. 

April 30 - How to Get Ahead in High School - 9th & 10th grade Parent Night

Join us for information about graduation requirements, scholarships, dual enrollment opportunities, financial aid, and resources to help your child think about careers. This event is open to all REL Freshmen, Sophomores, and parents! 

For more information about any of these sessions, please contact your school counselor!
  • SEAM students - Mrs. Crossley-Taylor
  • Early College students - Dr. Keefe
  • Students with last names beginning with A-G - Mrs. Cruz (formerly Miss Bishop)
  • Students with last names beginning with H-Q - Ms. Patterson
  • Students with last names beginning with R-Z or receiving ESOL support - Mr. Varady