Saturday, August 22, 2015

Early College Underclassmen Schedule Information - 2015-2016

Attention Early College Students and Parents! Many of you noticed your schedules look a little different this year. DCPS has moved to a new operating system, FOCUS, which promises to provide access to more information and make shared information more clear. The schedules are formatted a little differently, but all of the essential information is on the schedule - class, teacher, room number, meeting day and time. Below are the required classes Early College Underclassmen (9th & 10th grade) should see on their schedule:

9th grade
  • English 1 Hon*
  • English 2 Hon*
  • Geometry Hon OR Algebra 2 Hon (not both)
  • Biology Honors**
  • United States Government Honors - one semester only
  • Strategies for Student Success (SLS1103) - one semester only
  • HOPE - Physical Education (core)***

* These classes should appear on A-day and B-day with the same teacher.
** If you completed Biology I in middle school and it is on your schedule this year, please submit a Request for Schedule Correction form during the first day of school (available in the REL Main Office).
*** If you completed HOPE through FLVS and it is on your schedule this year, please print a copy of your final grade from the FLVS system and attach it to Request for Schedule Correction form during the first day of school.

10th grade
  • Composition@ - This is ENC110
  • American History(@, $) - This is AMH2010 & 2020
  • Creative Writing- one semester only
  • Pre-Calculus Honors 
  • World History Honors
  • Chemistry Honors

(@) Students must meet eligibility criteria before the first day of class to be in these courses. Eligibility criteria include: 3.0+ unweighted high school GPA and college-ready test scores. Click here for more information about college-ready test scores.
($) American History (AMH) 2010 and 2020 are different classes. Students who have a 3.0+ unweighted high school GPA and have earned college-ready scores in Reading and Writing will take AMH2010 semester 1. Students who meet eligibility criteria at the end of semester one, will take AMH2020. Students are not required to take both classes to move to FSCJ for 11th grade, but do need to take both classes to meet the high school graduation requirement for American History. Students can take AMH2010 during their Junior year at FSCJ if they meet the eligibility criteria.

What to do if you see an error on your schedule:
If you see an error on your schedule, submit a Request for Schedule Correction form during the first day of school (available in and turn in to the REL Main Office). For example, you notice your English teachers in 9th grade do not match. Fill out a Request for Schedule Correction form and submit it to the Main Office. Another example, you are in 10th grade, but your schedule includes English 3 or 4. Fill out a Request for Schedule Correction form and submit it to the Main Office.

What to do if you would like to change your elective(s):
If you would like to request an elective class be changed, please submit a Request for Schedule Correction form during the first day of school (available in and turn in to the REL Main Office). The elective classes are currently full, but seats may open the first week of school. Submitting a form is not a guarantee the schedule will be changed, but it is the only way to get on the "Waiting List".

Please note, the following classes will not be offered semester 1:
TV Production 1, 2, 3, 4
Sports, Recreation, and Entertainment Management