Monday, October 5, 2015

Jacksonville Goes to College Week!

This week is “Jacksonville Goes to College Week”, which leads up to the NACAC College Fair at the Prime Osborne Center on Saturday, October 10th from 12-4.  NACAC College Fair is an opportunity for students to make connections with HUNDREDS of different colleges from around the country.  We will have theme days each day this week to encourage students to take advantage of all their post-secondary opportunities.

Monday:  “Show Me The MONEY Monday”: Millions of dollars of scholarship “FREE” money goes unclaimed every year!  Search these sites to find scholarships that fit you: 
Tuesday:  “Tweak Your Tech Tuesday”: Review your social media outlets and email addresses. Make sure posts, videos, blogs, etc. represent you in a good light for colleges and perspective employers who sometimes view this information to help make decisions.
Wednesday:  “Rep Your College Day” – Teachers and students wear your favorite college shirts.   
Thursday:  “Think Ahead Thursday” – Students should visit: explore different careers and make a plan for what type of education they will need for that career.  
Friday:  “Future View Friday” –Students are encouraged to complete three virtual college tours they think are interesting. Write down questions to ask the representatives of these colleges when they go to the College Fair on Saturday, October 10, 2015.
Saturday:   NACAC College Fair – Prime Osborne Convention Center - 12-4. FREE college fair that is open to all middle and high school students in the northeast Florida area.  Over 200 colleges from across the nation will be in attendance.  In addition, workshops will be held for scholarship search information, Bright Futures, planning for college, and so much more!  Students who attend the fair and fill out the REL NACAC College Info sheet may be eligible for extra graduation tickets or prizes.