Thursday, September 25, 2014

Announcements - Sept. 25

General Information - 
  • Student Parking Passes - Students who drive to school/park on campus must pick up a parking pass by Friday, Sept. 26, from Ms. Chirino. Cars without permits on campus after Friday will be reported to JSO.
  • Students who ride DCPS buses - Be sure to turn your Bus ID in to your driver by Oct. 1. Students can pick up their Bus ID from their 7th block teacher or the REL Main Office.   
  • PSAT - Juniors interested in taking the PSAT at Lee in October must contact Dr. Keefe by Oct. 1. Test is Oct. 15.
  • ASVAB - Students interested in taking the ASVAB sign up with Dr. Keefe by Nov. 1. Test is Nov. 4
Activities -
  • Model UN Meeting - TODAY at FSCJ Kent campus at 2:45 p.m. 
  • PERT Tutoring - TODAY from 2:00-4:00 at REL
  • Sept. 29-Oct. 1 – FSCJ projection date for posting Spring class schedules
  • Senior Academic Conferences - Sept. 29-Oct. 6 with Dr. Keefe as scheduled
  • ACT/SAT Test Fee Waiver Pick-up - Sept. 30 from 2:00-2:20 in rm. 817 
  • Junior Academic Conferences - Oct. 7-16 with Dr. Keefe as scheduled
  • First Friday Workshop with Ms. Naita - Oct. 3 Juniors & Seniors only
  • ACT/SAT Test Fee Waiver Pick-up - Oct. 8 from 2:00-2:20 in rm. 817
  • NACAC College Fair - Oct. 11 from 12:00-4:00 p.m. FREE at Prime Osborne Center 
  • ACT/SAT Test Fee Waiver Pick-up - Oct. 13 from 2:00-2:20 in rm. 817
  • Oct. 14 – EC Seniors can register with Ms. Naita
  • PSAT - Oct. 15 at REL
  • Oct. 21 – EC Juniors can register with Ms. Naita 
  • ACT/SAT Test Fee Waiver Pick-up - Oct. 31 from 2:00-2:20 in rm. 817 
  • ASVAB - Nov. 4 at REL
  • ACT/SAT Test Fee Waiver Pick-up - Nov. 5 from 2:00-2:20 in rm. 817
Homecoming Activities -
  • Students interested in participating in the Homecoming Rally or Lunch Activities, should sign up with Ms.Thomas in rm. 847 this week.
  • Throw Back Thursday - Thursday, Sept. 25
  • Blue & Gray Day - Friday, Sept. 26
  • Homecoming Dance - Sept. 27 in REL Gymnasium 7:00-11:00 p.m. $5.00
Clubs -

  • AV Club - Sept. 29th See Mr. Neaher for more information
  • Feeling frazzled? Stress stacking up? Watch this space for a new stress busting club coming to Lee in October!
Sports - 
  • Boys Soccer - conditioning begins Sept. 29. See Ms. Esparza for more information.
  • Marathon High Running Club applications now available from Ms. Sorrells, Ms. Padgett, and Dr. Keefe. Applications and sport physicals are due Oct. 6. Practice begins Oct. 14. 
Scholarship Deadlines -
  • Jacksonville Agricultural Fair - due Oct. 1 Click here for application
  • Gator Bowl - due Nov. 7 Click here for application!
  • Need assistance with college or scholarship applications? Attend College Quest on Mondays and Tuesdays from 2:00-2:45 in the REL Media Center.