Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Scholarship

The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation College Scholarship Program is available to high-achieving high school seniors with financial need who seek to attend the nation's best four-year colleges and universities. Selected from a nationwide pool of applicants, up to 40 students will become Jack Kent Cooke Scholars and have access to funding for up to four years for undergraduate studies.This highly competitive scholarship includes:
  • Up to $40,000 per year to attend a four-year accredited undergraduate school
  • Ability to pursue any area of study
  • Personal advising about selecting a college and navigating financial aid
  • Multifaceted advising about how to transition to college and maximize the college student experience                                                                                  

Selection Process

A rigorous application review includes analysis of grades, standardized test scores, participation in available advanced courses, student essays, letters of recommendation, and family finances. Each year, 30-40 students will be selected for the program.

Minimum Eligibility Requirements

At a minimum, applicants must:
  • Plan to graduate from a US high school in spring 2015
  • Intend to enroll in an accredited four-year college beginning in fall 2015
  • Earn a cumulative unweighted GPA of 3.5 or above
  • Receive standardized test scores in the top 15%: SAT combined critical reading and math score of 1200 or above and/or ACT composite score of 26 or above
  • Demonstrate significant unmet financial need. We will consider applicants with family income up to $95,000. However, we anticipate that a majority of scholarship recipients will be eligible to receive a Pell grant.