Friday, April 24, 2015

REL Course Catalog - Choose your electives!

Attention Early College Current Freshmen! It's time to review your elective class choices for next school year! Please look through the REL Course Catalog to find descriptions of courses offered next year.  Dr. Keefe will visit your English class in May to hear what you would like to take as your electives. Students should pick three electives. These electives will be assigned based on student preference, class requirements, and seat availability.

As reviewed during the Parent Night April 21, students in 10th grade are expected to complete the following courses (buff colored handout):

  • ENC1101* - English Composition
  • Creative Writing
  • Pre-Calculus Honors
  • Chemistry Honors
  • AMH2010* & AMH2020* - American History
  • World History Honors
  • 2 electives
Robert E. Lee High School reserves the right to cancel any course due to insufficient enrollment, teacher availability and/or district funding.

The course selection process takes place each spring. The process includes input from students, parents, teachers, counselors and administrators. The school’s master schedule is built and new staff hired based on the registration requests.
Students are expected to honor their commitments and to attend and complete the courses for which they register during the registration period. Student-initiated requests for schedule changes must be made during the first week of the fall semester. All corrections regarding the spring semester must be made before the spring semester starts. Student-initiated schedule changes will only be considered for the following reasons:

  • The student has previously earned credit for the scheduled course.
  • The student has not yet taken the prerequisite required for a scheduled course.
  • There is another course needed to stay on track for graduation.
  • Administrative action becomes necessary because of imbalance of class loads, loss of a teaching unit, or unforeseen constraints.

Note: Schedule changes will not be made to accommodate teacher preference. Academics will not be moved to accommodate electives.