Friday, October 31, 2014

Announcements - Oct. 31

New Information -
  • Boys Junior Varsity Basketball try-outs are Saturday, Nov. 1st at 2:00 p.m. in the REL gymnasium. Must have a physical on file. See Coach Perry in rm 858 for more information.
  • Anime Club is cancelled Nov. 3rd.
  • Report cards for students attending REL classes will be distributed Oct. 31.  
  • Last day to sign up for the ASVAB is today!
  • Shannon Smith McCants Scholarship for FAMU Pharmacy students - Due Oct 31 Click here for application!
  • National Center for Women in Technology (NCWIT)’s - Due Nov. 2 Click here for application!
Previously Posted Announcements -
  • ACT/SAT Test Fee Waiver Pick-up - Oct. 31 from 2:00-2:20 in rm. 817 
  • Senior Packages will be on sale EVERY DAY THIS WEEK after school in rm. 892. The cost is $375. Cash, checks, and money orders only. No partial payments will be accepted. See Mrs. Morrison for more information.
  • October Canned Food Drive sponsored by the Junior Class. Bring non-perishable food items to rm 847 after school any day of the week. Student who brings the most items in will win a ticket to Prom!
  • ASVAB - Nov. 4 at REL 
  • Miss Robert E Lee Interest meeting for female Juniors Nov. 4 at 2:15 in rm 892. Candidates should have a 2.5+ GPA and no referrals on file. See Mrs. Morrison for more information.
  • ACT/SAT Test Fee Waiver Pick-up - Nov. 5 from 2:00-2:20 in rm. 817
  • Junior Class t-shirts are now on sale! Cost is $8 See Ms. Thomas for more information. Last day to purchase is Nov 7.
  • Edward Waters College will hold an Open House event on Nov 8.
  • Early College Yearbook Picture Day for JUNIORS - is Nov. 13. Click here to look up your appointment time!
  • Senior Ads for Yearbook - deadline Nov. 25th at 8:00 a.m. See Ms. Thomas for more information.  
  • REL Toy Drive - Nov. 3-25 sponsored by the REL Junior Class Counsel. Community Drop-off date - Nov 8 from 8:00-12:00 a.m. Evening Drop-off date - Nov. 18 Free admission to the Lady Generals Basketball game on Nov. 18th with toy drop-off (conditions apply).
  • Senior Class Suggestion Box - Seniors are asked to drop off suggestions for the Class of 2015 Song, Motto, & Flower. The suggestion box is located in the REL Main Office 
Previously Announced Club Information -
  • Sci-Fi Club meets on Tuesdays at 2:00 in rm 859. Come ready to watch some sci-fi! See Ms. Lawson for more information. 
  • Peace Warriors Yoga Club -  Thursdays at 2:05. See Dr. Keefe for more information.
Previously Announced Sports Information -
  • Ultimate Frisbee - meeting Nov. 3 at 2:15 in rm 862. See Ms. Street in rm 862 for more information.  
  • 2014-2015 Robert E. Lee Boys Soccer - Click here for the schedule!
Previously Announced Scholarship & Program Deadlines -
  • Gator Bowl - due Nov. 7 Click here for application
  • National Security Agency Scholarship - due Nov. 15. Click here for application! 
  • Jan La Belle Scholarship - due Nov. 15. Click here for application!
  • BBG Youth Volunteer Scholarship - due Nov 29. Click here for application!
  • George W. Jenkins - due Dec 1 Click here for application! 
  • Epsilon Sigma Alpha - Early Bird application due Dec. 15, traditional deadline Feb 1 Click here for application!
  • Kappa Alpha Psi - due Dec 31 Click here for application!
  • J. Ollie Edmunds - due Jan. 16 Click here for application!  
  • Arts for Life - due Feb 2 Click here for application!
  • Asylees as Authors - due May 15 Click here for application!
  • Aspiring Fashion Professionals - due June 1 Click here for application!  
  • Aspiring Animation Professionals -  due June 1 Click here for application!
  • Interested in the Jacksonville Commitment Scholarship? Mr. Salery, UNF Jax Commitment Coordinator, is available Tuesdays and Thursdays after school in rm. 827.
  • Need assistance with college or scholarship applications? Attend College Quest on Mondays and Tuesdays from 2:00-2:45 in the REL Media Center.