Founded in 1929, Epsilon Sigma Alpha (ESA) is a
leadership and service organization, bringing volunteers together in programs
and projects that make a positive difference to the world community. The
ESA Foundation (ESAF) is a 501(c)3 public foundation, established in 1970, as
an organization exclusively for charitable and educational purposes.
Currently, the ESA Foundation offers 191 scholarships a
year for deserving United States and International students who meet the
criteria of individual endowments. Information about the scholarships,
requirements and applications is available at
There will be a list of available scholarships by the state of the student’s residence.
Guidelines for the scholarships can be found at
The application, requirements/documentation and submission for judging will all
be done online.
Florida students will have the opportunity to apply for
44 scholarships this year including the following Florida sponsored
scholarships. Students may apply for as many scholarships as the online
application process determines the student is eligible to apply for.
Because of the large volume of scholarship applications,
a $5 processing fee is charged for each scholarship applied for to
offset the costs of the program. Fee monies remaining after operational
costs, if any, are put into the ESAF General Scholarship Fund. Depending
on the amount in the General Scholarship Fund at the end of each fiscal year,
additional scholarships are awarded.
EARLY BIRD AWARD: Any completed application
with required documentation submitted by DECEMBER 15, 2014,
and approved for judging, will be eligible for a drawing to be awarded a
$1,000.00 Early Bird Scholarship as funds permit.