Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Announcements - Tuesday, Feb. 3

New Information/Today's Events -
  • Congratulations to Marathon High students who completed their 14 mile run this past Saturday! Special shout out to Nayky Chem and Jordan Barrett for completing their fourth season with Marathon High. These young men have run over 800 miles to support Marathon High, represent Lee High School, and raise money for the Donna Foundation (breast cancer research). What a tremendous feat!
  • Marathon High runners - race forms are due ASAP to Ms. Sorrells. 
  • Jacksonville Commitment "Application Hour" to help seniors with college and scholarship applications - Feb 2nd & 9th from 2:00-3:00 in rm 827. See Ms. Shular for more information.
  • World Cultures Night - Feb 19th at 6:00 p.m. - free food & entertainment! Interested? See Ms. Esparza for more information.
  • REL Financial Aid Night - TONIGHT at 6:30 - Get all of your questions answered about financial aid and paying for college! Event is free & open to all students and parents!
  • Second Senior Package on sale - TODAY-Feb. 6 from 1:15-2:15 each day. Cost is $250. Includes cap and gown, Grad Bash, and T-shirt. See Mrs. Morrison for more information.
  • ACT Tutoring session - TODAY and Feb. 5 in REL Media Center from 2:15-4:30. Free pizza!
Previously Posted Announcements -
  • ACT Tutoring session - Feb 3 & 5 in REL Media Center from 2:15-4:30. Free pizza!
  • Seniors! Don't forget to submit your college acceptance and scholarship award letter (turn in a copy or send an email copy) to Dr. Keefe. You have the chance to be recognized through the school system for your achievements!
  • Second Senior Package on sale - Feb 2-6 Cost is $250. Includes cap & amp; amp; amp; gown, Grad Bash, and T-shirt. See Mrs. Morrison for more information.
  • REL Financial Aid Night - Feb 3
  • Senior Class Meeting - Feb 6th at 1:00 p.m. in REL Auditorium. See Mrs. Morrison for more information.
  • First Friday Workshop at FSCJ - Feb. 6
  • Junior Class College Tour - Registration is now open. Deadline for payment is Feb 13. See Ms. Thomas for more information. 
  • HabiJax Community Service Project - Feb 21. See Ms. Thomas for more information. 
  • HabiJax Community Service Project - Feb 28. See Ms. Thomas for more information. 
  • First Friday Workshop at FSCJ - March 6
  • Seniors - all debts must be paid by March 13 
  • Yearbooks are on sale now for $75. Price increases on March 14 to $85. 
  • Prom tickets on sale - March 23, 27, 30 Rm 847
  • REL Spring Break - March 16-20. REL closed. FSCJ classes held as scheduled.
  • Prom tickets on sale - April 1, 6, 10, 13, 17, 20, 24, 27, 28, 29, & 30 Rm 847
  • Prom Guest application deadline - April 17 See Ms. Thomas for more information.
  • First Friday Workshop at FSCJ - April 10
  • Senior T-shirt sale - April 13-17
  • Grad Bash - May 1
  • Prom - May 16
  • REL Commencement Ceremonies (Graduation) - June 1, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. at the Jacksonville Veterans' Arena 
Previously Announced Club Information -
  • Peace Warriors Yoga Club - Thursdays at 2:10. See Dr. Keefe for more information.
  • Drama Club - Thursdays at 2:00 in rm 253. See Ms. Williams for more information. 
  • Sci-Fi Club - Tuesdays at 2:00 in rm 859. See Ms. Lawson for more information. 
  • Club Beyond is here! See Mrs. Hawk in rm 827 for more information.
  • National Honor Society (NHS) Calendar!
Previously Announced Sports Information -
  • Co-ed Intramural Basketball Team - Interested? Sign up with Coach Perry by Feb. 6th.
  • Lacrosse Winter 2015 schedule!
Previously Announced Scholarship & Program Deadlines -