Wednesday, September 14, 2016

LEDA Scholars Program Presentation

LEDA scholars participate in a dynamic leadership development program while receiving specialized College Guidance, Standardized Test Preparation and Writing Instruction. Throughout their senior year in high school, LEDA Scholars are guided One-On-One through college, scholarship and financial aid applications. Approximately, 80 percent of LEDA Scholars have enrolled in our nation’s most competitive colleges.  While in college, LEDA continues to offer holistic support to ensure that LEDA Scholars not only succeed, but thrive and lead on campus and beyond. The program includes a 7-week completely FREE 7 week summer institute held at Princeton University, FREE of cost to ALL students including travel!

We are looking for students who are typically in the top 10% of their class, have an unweighted GPA of at least 3.5 or above, are enrolled in the most rigorous courses available at their school, are involved outside of the classroom (whether it be part time work, caring for a family member, clubs & sports in school), and are socioeconomically disadvantaged (90% of our scholars have an annual family income of $66,000 or less). We understand that most schools do not have access to financial information, so you can filter by Free and Reduced Lunch students or have all that qualify come to the presentation.

Presentation Date: Sept. 23rd
Time: 11:00 a.m.
Length: 45 minutes
Note: This program is only open to Juniors, Sophmores, and Freshmen.

Click here to register for this activity:

For more information about LEDA Scholars or to apply for the program, visit their website: