Friday, September 30, 2016

Need college-ready scores? Read this!

Attention students who need to take the ACT, SAT, or PERT to earn college-ready scores for Early College or Traditional Dual Enrollment program continuation, today is the last day to sign up for the October ACT. Oct. 7th is the last day to register for November SAT test students (see chart below). This will be the last round of ACT and SAT students can use to meet the December 1 deadline for Spring FSCJ courses (second semester classes).

Students who want to take the PERT in October must sign up with Mrs. Crowden-Richardson during 2nd or 3rd period (room 844). Seats for this test are assigned in priority order - students who need test scores to meet graduation requirements, then students who need scores for dual enrollment. 

For more information about score requirements and deadlines, please see information posted on or here

Test Date
Registration Deadline
Late Registration
Additional fee required
Sept. 10, 2016
Aug. 5, 2016
Aug. 6-19, 2016
Oct. 22, 2016
Sept. 16, 2016
Sept. 17-30, 2016
Dec. 10, 2016
Nov. 4, 2016
Nov. 5-18, 2016
Feb. 11, 2017
Jan. 13, 2017
Jan. 14-20, 2017
April 8, 2017
March 3, 2017
March 4-17, 2017
June 10, 2017
May 5, 2017
May 6-19, 2017

Test Date
Registration Deadline
Late Registration
Additional fee required
Oct. 1, 2016
Sept. 1, 2016
Sept. 2-20, 2016
Nov. 5, 2016
Oct. 7, 2016
Oct. 8-25, 2016
Dec. 3, 2016
Nov. 3, 2016
Nov. 4-22, 2016
Jan. 21, 2017
Dec. 16, 2016
Dec. 17-Jan. 10, 2017
March 11, 2017
Feb. 10, 2017
Feb. 11-28, 2017
May 6, 2017
April 7, 2017
April 8-25, 2017
June 3, 2017
May 9, 2017
May 10-24, 2017

Students can register to take the ACT or SAT through the websites noted in the above chart. Dates and fees are subject to change based on the company's policies. Test fee waivers are available for Juniors and Seniors (see the Graduation Coach after school starts for more information).