Tuesday, February 4, 2014

School Announcements - Feb. 4, 2014

  • Senior Class Meeting - Friday, Feb. 7th  at 12:45 p.m. in the auditorium. Early College seniors who have not picked up their college-readiness t-shirts and/or packages from Dr. Keefe may do so before or after this meeting or during office hours.
  • Senior Packages - Package #2 is on sale now! Price - $240. Purchase before or after school in Rm. 881. If you need more information about Senior Packages, contact Ms. Sorrells.
  • Senior Hoodies - Are on their way! Ms. Sorrells says, "Sorry for the delay." 
  • Graduation Ticket Information - Coming soon! Stay in touch with Mrs. Morrison for more information.
  • Yearbooks are on sale now for $65. See Mrs. Dalton for more information. 
  • Marathon High - Practice is MANDATORY from now until Race Day, unless you have made prior arrangements with Ms. Sorrells. The team will meet in Ms. Padgett's room (Rm. 322) at 2:45 today for practice.
  • Marching and Jazz Band rehearsals have been cancelled for Feb. 4th & 6th.
  • Safe Haven Bible Club - Meeting Monday, Feb. 10 at 2:30 in Rm. 824.
  • March 8th SAT Registration deadline is Feb. 6th. Contact Ms. Patterson if you need your Test Fee Waiver. Don't know if you qualify? Check here: http://sat.collegeboard.org/register/sat-fee-waivers
  • REL Teacher Email List
  • REL Activity Calendar 
  • REL Athletics