Saturday, August 22, 2015

ACT & SAT Test Information 2016-2017

It's that time of year! Seniors, Juniors, and even some underclassmen should be gearing up to take the ACT and SAT. These tests are an essential element of your college admissions process. Don't be afraid to tackle these tests head-on! Some frequently asked questions about ACT and SAT... 

How do I register for the ACT or SAT?
Students register for the test online.While most of the registration questions are easy for students to answer independently, they may need parent/guardian assistance when it comes to selecting a test date, a test location, and payment.

When should I take the tests?
Seniors - at least once per test Fall semester
Juniors - at least once per test Spring semester
Underclassmen - as needed or desired

Do I qualify for a Test Fee Waiver and how do I get one?
Seniors and Juniors qualify for test fee waiver. Contact Mrs. Crowden-Richardson ( for more information.

What can I use my scores for?
College admissions, scholarships, dual enrollment eligibility, and FCAT Concordant scores. See your school counselor or Mrs. Crowden-Richardson for more information. 

Who should I send my scores to?
College you are applying for or you may apply for in the future. Always send a copy to FSCJ also for dual enrollment (free college classes!). See your school counselor for more information.

How do I prepare for these tests?
Participate in your REL classes, ACT/SAT Boot Camps, and practice online ( and See your school counselor or Mrs. Crowden-Richardson for more information.

What if my scores is really high? Will taking the test erase my previous scores?
No. Colleges ofter use "Super Scoring" for admissions. This means they use your highest score in each area, no matter when you took the test, and combine them for a Super Score.
*Note: Colleges will not combine old SAT and new SAT (taken after 2/2016) for super-scoring.

What if my score seems low?
Take the test again! Think about how you prepared for the first test. Adjust your prep habits based on what you learned from taking the test. See the above answer about Super Scoring.


Test Date
Registration Deadline
Late Registration Additional fee required
Sept. 10, 2016
Aug. 5, 2016
Aug. 6-19, 2016
Oct. 22, 2016
Sept. 16, 2016
Sept. 17-30, 2016
Dec. 10, 2016
Nov. 4, 2016
Nov. 5-18, 2016
Feb. 11, 2017
Jan. 13, 2017
Jan. 14-20, 2017
April 8, 2017
March 3, 2017
March 4-17, 2017
June 10, 2017
May 5, 2017
May 6-19, 2017


Test Date
Registration Deadline
Late Registration Additional fee required
Oct. 1, 2016
Sept. 1, 2016
Sept. 2-20, 2016
Nov. 5, 2016
Oct. 7, 2016
Oct. 8-25, 2016
Dec. 3, 2016
Nov. 3, 2016
Nov. 4-22, 2016
Jan. 21, 2017
Dec. 16
Dec. 17-Jan. 10, 2017
March 11, 2017
Feb. 10, 2017
Feb. 11-28, 2017
May 6, 2017
April 7
April 8-25, 2017
June 3, 2017
May 9, 2017
May 10-24, 2017