Friday, August 28, 2015

Announcements - Friday, Aug. 28

New Information/Today's Events -
  • Intramural Basketball Team - interest meeting Sept 1 at 2:15p in rm 891. See Coach Perry for more information.
  • 2015 REL Football Game Schedule
  • FSCJ Textbook Pick-up Times:

    Friday, August 28 - 7:30-8:30a Juniors, 9:00-10a  Seniors 
    Saturday, August 29 - 9:30-11:30 open for Juniors and Seniors
    • You must turn in a copy of your schedule with your name on it to retrieve the books. If you have already turned in a schedule for books, you do not have to turn in another schedule.
    • You will need a PEN to sign for your books.
    • Students check-in at the REL Main Office before reporting to the DE Bookroom.
    • If you borrowed a book from the DE Bookroom last week, please return or exchange it for your new books at this time.
    • If you just turned in your Textbook Order form this week or haven't turned in a form yet, then your books will not be here yet. Turn in your forms, if you have not already. 
Previously Announced Information:
  • Sept 1 - Seniors Class Officer Elections interest meeting 2:20p in rm 892. 
  • Sept. 14 - REL Open House 5:30p
  • Oct 9 - College Fair FSCJ South Campus 12-3p. Contact Ms. Akakatang for more information
REL Sports and Clubs Information:
  • FCA Prayer meetings Mondays & Wednesdays 7:05a @REL flagpole. See Mrs. Bloxom-Johnson for more info. 
  • REL Vol-LEE-ball team practice/tryouts/events:
    • Dig Pink Game - Oct. 1 (time TBA)
    • Senior Night -  Oct. 8 (time TBA)
Previously Announced Scholarship & Program Deadlines -
  • SLAC Scholarship - September 15
  • Navy ROTC scholarship 
  • Scheidel Scholarship for students attending FSCJ past high school
  • Need more information about financial aid? Click here!
  • Need assistance with college or scholarship applications? Attend College Quest Tuesdays from 2:00-2:45 in the REL Media Center.