Monday, August 24, 2015

FSCJ Textbook Update - Aug. 24

Good news! FSCJ Textbooks started arriving Monday after school. Not all books are here yet, but many did arrive. Because students did not have the opportunity to pick up books on Monday and books will arrive daily now, the following adjusted pick-up schedule will be followed:

Tuesday, August 25
12:30-1:30p All Seniors
2:30-3:30p All Juniors

Wednesday, August 26
7:30-8:30a Seniors
9:00-10a Juniors

Thursday, August 27

12:30-1:30p Juniors
2:30-3:30p Seniors

Friday, August 28
7:30-8:30a Juniors
9:00-10a  Seniors

Thank you all for your patience with this new system. Please, remember the following when picking up your textbooks:
- You must turn in a copy of your schedule with your name on it to retrieve the books. Many of you turned in schedules when you borrowed books last week. You do not have to turn in another schedule.
- You will need a PEN to sign for your books.
- If you borrowed a book or books from the DE Bookroom last week, you can return or exchange it for your new books at this pick-up time.
- Books are taking at least three business days to arrive at REL. If you just turned in your Textbook Order form this week or haven't turned in a form yet, then your books will not be here yet. Turn in your forms, if you have not already.