Monday, March 9, 2015

Financial Aid ERRORS - Students are LOSING MONEY!

Attention Seniors!
It has come to light students are entering the wrong information on the Federal and State-level financial aid forms. These errors can cause you to be disqualified for financial aid!
Please, make sure you are completing the FAFSA and Florida Financial Aid form using the directions providing during Financial Aid meetings, during Academic Conferences, and via the website. Pay particular attention to how you answer the questions regarding graduation date and student enrollment status. For examples, on the Florida Financial Aid website,
  • question #22 asks for your graduation date. Be sure to enter 06/08/2015, NOT the date for Lee High School's Commencement Exercises.
  • question #23 - asks for your enrollment status next fall. Be sure to enter "Freshman, first time college". Currently, you are considered a high school student completing a dual enrollment program. Therefore, you are not and have not been a Freshman in college yet.
For more information about financial aid, please visit: