Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Important Dates for EC JUNIORS & Parents - Spring Semester

April is Spring Into College month at Robert E. Lee! Be sure to check out these events designed to help Juniors spring towards their academic goals!

February 2 – April 30Academic Conferences
Every student and parent has been provided an individual appointment, a.k.a. Academic Conference, to discuss Early College program criteria, next steps, post-secondary plans, and how to transition to FSCJ classes. Appointment notices were mailed home in January, are posted outside of Dr. Keefe's office, and published on the website. 

April 6 - FSCJ Registration Paperwork Pick-up - Last names M-Z
JUNIORS with last names beginning with the letters M-Z will pick up their FSCJ Fall Registration paperwork at REL from 2:00-3:30.*

April 7 - FSCJ Registration Paperwork Pick-up - Last names A-L
JUNIORS with last names beginning with the letters A-L will pick up their FSCJ Fall Registration paperwork at REL from 2:00-3:30.*

April 23 - College-Readiness Night for Juniors & Parents

Join us for information about graduation requirements, the college application process, financial aid, scholarships, and dual enrollment opportunities. This event is open to all REL Juniors & parents.

May 1 -Early Admit paperwork deadline
JUNIORS interested in the Early Admit dual enrollment program (not Early College students), all paperwork must be submitted to the college by May 1st. See your school counselor for more information. 

*Students must participate in their Academic Conference before participating in FSCJ Registration. Students may not pick up FSCJ Registration paperwork before participating in their Academic Conference.