Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Important Dates for EC SENIORS & Parents - Spring Semester

April is Spring Into College month at Robert E. Lee! Be sure to check out these events designed to help Seniors spring towards their academic goals!

February 2 – April 30 – Academic Conferences
Every student and parent has been provided an individual appointment, a.k.a. Academic Conference, to discuss graduation requirements and financial aid opportunities. Appointment notices were mailed home in January, are posted outside of Dr. Keefe's office, and posted on the website.

March 31 - Senior parent night

Join us to get all of the details about the graduation ceremony, senior activities, college planning, FAFSA and scholarships.

April 7 - Financial Aid Info Session 6:00-7:00
Parents and students who need assistance with financial aid forms can bring their questions to this event! Counselors will be on hand to help you with the FAFSA, Florida Financial Aid, and college aid applications. This event is open to all REL Seniors and parents! 

June 1st - REL Commencement Ceremony