Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Important Dates for EC SOPHMORES & Parents - Spring Semester

April is Spring Into College month at Robert E. Lee! Be sure to check out these events designed to help Sophomores spring towards their academic goals!

February 2 – March 5 – Sophomore Academic Conferences
Every student and parent has been provided an individual appointment, a.k.a. Academic Conference, to discuss Early College program criteria, next steps, post-secondary plans, and how to transition to FSCJ classes. Appointment notices were mailed home in January, and are followed up with a hall pass on the day of the appointment for each student. 

April 13 - FSCJ Registration Overview in AMH2020
Students enrolled in AMH2020 - make sure you are in class this day! This is the day you will receive your FSCJ AA degree information and scheduling instructions. 

April 14, 27, & 28 - Sophomore Academic Conference Make-up Days
Sophomores who missed their Academic Conference, your make-up day is April 14th*, 27th, or 28th. Students will receive a rescheduling notice. 

April 14 - How to Create a College Schedule - Sophomore Parent Night
Open to any parent who is interested in learning more about how to select classes for any dual enrollment program at FSCJ. This will be held in the REL Media Center from 6:00-7:30 p.m. 

APRIL 15 - FSCJ Criteria Deadline
Students who want to participate in the FSCJ Registration field trip must have all eligibility criteria on file by this date (GPAs and test scores). This applies to all students who would like to attend classes at FSCJ in the Fall of 2015. 

April 16 - FSCJ Schedule Worksheets Due - Students with last names M-Z
Sophomores with last names beginning with the letters M-Z will turn in their FSCJ Schedule Worksheet to Dr. Keefe and pick up their FSCJ Fall Registration paperwork from Dr. Keefe. Appointment notices will be provided through Mrs. Sambol-Tosco's classes. 

April 17 - FSCJ Schedule Worksheets Due - Students with last names A-L
Sophomores with last names beginning with the letters A-L will turn in their FSCJ Schedule Worksheet to Dr. Keefe and pick up their FSCJ Fall Registration paperwork from Dr. Keefe. Appointment notices will be provided through Mrs. Sambol-Tosco's classes. 

April 22 - Sophomores FSCJ Registration Field Trip
More information about this event will be provided in Mrs. Sambol-Tosco's class on April 13 and during the Parent Night on April 14. This event is open to sophomores who meet eligibility requirements as of April 15.

 *Students must participate in their Academic Conference before participating in FSCJ Registration. Students may not pick up FSCJ Registration paperwork before participating in their Academic Conference.